5:00AM - 11:00AM

    Litany, Liturgy, Sermon and Other Services


    7:00 - 8:00

    Prayers, Bible Study

  • • 19 th OF THE MONTH, E.C (Gabriel)

    Morning prayers, Litany, Liturgy and Other major holidays as announced by the Head Priest


    8:30PM - 2:30AM

    Litany, Liturgy, and Other Services

  • GENA

    8:30PM - 2:30AM

    Litany, Liturgy, and Other Services

  • 24TH of THE MONTH, E.C (Teklehaimanot)

    Morning prayers, Litany, Liturgy and Other major holidays as announced by the Head Priest

ዘወትር እሁድ፣ ቅዱስ ገብርኤል እለት ወር በገባ በ19ኛው ቀን፣ የአባታችን አቡነ ተክለ ሃይማኖት እለት ወር በገባ በ24ኛው ቀን እና በዓመት በዓላት ጊዜ ፣ በዓበይት በዓላት፣ በጾመ ፍልሰታ፣ በንግሥ በዓላት እና በሌሎች በዓላት ጊዜየቅዳሴ አገልግሎትና የማኅሌት/የሰዓታት አገልግሎት ያለማቋረጥ ይሰጣል።

በቤተክርሰቲያናችን በሳምንት 2 ቀናት ረቡዕ ከምሽቱ 7 pm ጀምሮ እና እሁድ የስብከተ ወንጌል አገልግሎት ይሰጣል።


    Christening request forms may need to be completed in person in our office on Sundays, between 6 AM – 12 PM. Please leave a message by calling

    404 508 9064.


    Church fathers are available to provide counseling to anyone.

    “Consult Your Spiritual Father”

    "For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope."Romans 15:4


    One of the seven Sacraments in Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church to unite a man and a woman in a holy marriage.

    "A man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and so they are no longer two, but one."Matthew 28:19

    Please consult with your Spiritual Father prior requesting for this service.


    Church fathers are available to provide prayers to your request.

    Please complete and send this request at least 7 days before the day of the event


    Prayer for the dead.

    Death is not the end, just the beginning of a new eternal life.

    "For those who have fallen asleep in this holy church, we implore that God may give them a place of rest" Liturgy

    Please complete and send this request at least 3 days before the day of the event.